Objeckttyp = Kind of property
- Etagenwohnung = flat; apartment takes up entire floor
- Dachgeschoss = attic, loft
- Erdgeschoss = ground floor
- Freistehendes Einfamilienhaus = free-standing, single-family home
- Einfamilienhaus = single-family house
- Doppelhaushälfte = duplex
- Reihenhaus = townhouse
- Wohnung = apartment
Anzahl Zimmer = number of rooms
Anzahl Badezimmer = number of bathrooms (includes a shower and/or a tub)
Käuferprovision = buyer’s or renter’s fees
Grundstücksgröβe = lot size
Anzahl Schlafzimmer = number of bedrooms
Kaufpreis = purchase price
Währung = currency
WC (water closet) = toilet and sink
Nebenräume = additional rooms
Baujahr = year the house was constructed
Renoviert = year the house was last renovated
Grundstück = lot, property
Wohnfläche = living space, floor space
Nutzfläche = storage space
Stellplatzanzahl = number of parking spaces
Gebiet (Bauamt) = zoning area
- Dorfgebiet = small village
- allgemeines Wohngebiet = residential neighborhood
- Stadtteil = city
- Zentrum = center of city or village
- Nebenstraβe = side street
Lage = location (this refers to the lot, property immediately surrounding the house)
- ruhigelage = quiet, peaceful
Zustand = condition of the house
- guter Allegemeinzustand = overall good condition
- Neuwertig = nearly new
- Sehr geflegt = well cared for
- Renoviert = renovated
- Renovierungsbedarf = needs renovating
Beziehbar = availability
- sofort = immediately
- nach Absprache = upon arrangement
Bauart = building type
- Massiv = solid concrete walls
- Leichtbau = similar to American stud and drywall construction
Heizung = heating
- Fuβbodenheizung = floor heat
- Zentralheizung = central heating
Energie = energy
- Gas = gas
- Öl = oil
- Brennwertanlage = renewable energy
- Kohle = coal
- Holz = wood
Garten/Balkon/Terr. = garden (or yard), balcony, terrace
- Gartenmitbenutzung = shared garden
Parken = parking
- Stellplatz = reserved (outdoor) parking places
- Garage = garage
Aufteilung = parts of the house
- KG = basement/cellar
- Kü (Küche) = kitchen
- EG = ground floor
- OG = first floor
- DG = attic (useable living space; a loft)
- Speicher; Spitzboden = attic (for storage)
- Diele, Flur = hall
- Windfang = entry way
- Garderobe = cloak room
- Gäste WC = guest toilet. These are quite common in Germany. It is most often located near the entryway of the house and contains a small toilet and sink.
- Abstellraum = storeroom
- Wohnzimmer = living room
- Küche = kitchen
- Küche mit EBK = kitchen with built-in appliances, cupboards
- Essküche = breakfast room
- Esszimmer = dining room
- Elternschlafzimmer = master bedroom
- Ankleide = dressing room
- Kinderzimmer = children’s rooms
- Schlafzimmer = bedroom
- Büro = office
- Leseraum = reading room/library
- Bad = bathroom (with a shower or a tub)
- Arbeitszimmer = work room
- Keller = cellar/basement
- Laminat = laminate
- Fliesen = tile
- Dielen = floorboard
- Parkett = parquet
- Granit = stone
- Marmor = marble
- Teppichboden = carpet
Rental terms
- Netto Kaltmiete = rental price without utilities
- Warmmiete = total rental price
- Kaution = damage deposit
- Nebenkosten = usually pro-rated per person and may include any of the following: water, trash, insurance and/or property tax